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 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(二)
 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(八)
 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(七)
 中 华 新韵



 来    源: 互联网
 作    者: 匿名
 发表日期: 2008/9/26 11:44:59
 阅读次数: 44873
 文章标题: 人物访谈社会万象 → 爱与和平书画展《前言》
 查看权限: 普通文章
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 正    文:

UNSRC Chinese Book Club is an international platform for the promotion of Chinese culture. Over the past decade, the Chinese Book Club has sonsored dozens of exhibitions at the United Nations building, including painting, calligraphy, photography and art exhibitions and concerts. A number of  Chinese cultural groups and famous writers, painters, calligraphers and artists have helped promote Chinese culture through this platform. Chinese Book Club also organized several charity events for disaster relief and poverty alleviation.

UCT International Culture Development, INC. (UCT), established in 2003 in New York, is a non-profit cultural and art organization, with 501C federal tax exempt number. The organization aims to promoting international cultural and art exchange.  President of UCT, Ms. Yiling Li, a famous young artist herself, is originally from Yunnan, China, now resides in New York.

Other members and consultants are entrepreneurs, officials, celebrities in cultural field and media workers, from US, China and Thailand. UCT focuses on long-term cultural and art exchanges, especially Sino-US cultural exchanges and charities that help the poor in underdeveloped areas in China. It also promotes better understanding and harmony between and among countries and regions.

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