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 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(二)
 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(八)
 2012年 Lydia Reinhold女士和李国栋先生联合国书画展作品(七)
 中 华 新韵



 来    源: 互联网
 作    者: 匿名
 发表日期: 2008/9/26 11:44:59
 阅读次数: 44874
 文章标题: 人物访谈社会万象 → 爱与和平书画展《前言》
 查看权限: 普通文章
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 正    文:


The “peace and love” arts exhibition is co-sponsored by UNSRC Chinese Book Club and UCT International Culture Development Inc. This cultural feast brought by Thai Chinese calligrapher Mr. Li Guodong and Chinese famous painter Mr. Wang Linxu has been well received by people from all fields, including officials of UN, officials from Chinese Consulate, Chinese Mission to UN, overseas Chinese organizations, and artists both home and abroad.

Chinese ink calligraphy is an ancient art form that belongs to China. Now it also belongs to the world, as the world is a village. Painting is a “universal language”.  We firmly believe through this exhibition, viewers will be thrilled to see the beauty in Chinese art form.

 This exhibition conveys a great and eternal theme—peace and love, and aims at promoting cultural exchange and demonstrating the human spirit of elegance and innovation in the form of art.

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